Draguan 3D model creation. 10 months in 10 minutes

Dragon and Me

Reptile Queen
I am so excited to introduce you my new artwork "Reptile Queen" that I've started in far 2011 and dedicate to my lovely iguana-pet Tamerlan.
All past months I was working on it really hard to fit the contest "A Tribute to Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell" deadline. And finally - DONE!
Hope you will like it :) Thanks for watching!

Eversense - Glucose sensor MOA
We are very excited to share the MOA we designed for the Eversense CGM System.

Heart of Inflammation
Animations and 3D visuals produced to reinforce the pathophysiology concepts on, an HCP resource that communicates the central role of the inflammatory cytokine IL-1 in recurrent pericarditis.
Interleukin-1 (IL-1) is a family of cytokines that includes IL-1α and IL-1β -- cell signaling proteins that activate local and systemic inflammation.
Interaction between IL-1α and IL-1β triggers the autoinflammatory cycle of recurrent pericarditis and drives ongoing tissue injury in the pericardium.

Lungs in Silico

Neurons transmit electrical impulses along their axons and activate nearby cells via their synaptic connections.
In this visualization, we wanted to break the mold of a typical neuron impulse animation. We dropped our camera into a network of pulsing multipolar neurons and fused a gritty edit breakdown with a driving dubstep soundtrack.

Blood Clotting
Illustration that we did for the cover of the Fag&Forskning magazine


Dragon's eye - Work in progress

Model and look-and-feel we developed for an upcoming science movie project.

Tolsura MOA

Dermal Filler

Theradaptive – Bioactive Protein Platform MOA
Newt Studios animated Theradaptive's breakthrough protein engineering technology for regenerative medicine.
The MOA animation demonstrates Theradaptive's innovative computational platform converting recombinant proteins into material-binding variants.

Hepatitis C Virus
The most frequent request from people I heard about my Virus artworks were - Eh, wish I could see all this in VR...
If you have a chance to watch current vid using any VR gear such as Google cardboard or Samsung gear, with headphones on - please do so! The impression will be much better then just viewing in browser.

Unituxin Antibody Therapy
Unituxin is a monoclonal antibody that targets the GD2 antigen present on neuroblastoma cells. Unituxin is one of the therapies used to treat children with high-risk neuroblastoma, a cancer that arises from immature nerve cells.
We developed the 3D style for the "How Unituxin Works" video for parents and caregivers, designed in collaboration with the agency Dagr Nott & Associates.

The Strain
Hi guys, here is my personal project "The Strain".
First idea of this scene was born watching self-titled tv series, and within a few years turned into this.

Cancer Cell Microenvironment
An ovarian tumor microenvironment is depicted in this animated loop. Islands of serous epithelial cancer cells emerge among healthy cells. Abundant cilli extend from the cancer cells and interact with the extracellular matrix.
Ovarian serous tumors originate from the cells that line the surface of the ovary or fallopian tubes–– the epithelium. Tumor microenvironmental factors play a role in disease progression, which can impact therapy strategies.

Inner Microworlds
Capillaries and cells. Transgenes and enzymes. From tissue down to genetic material, we visualized the micro-elements integral to our client's therapeutic pathway story.

Mitochondrion 3D model - membrane-bound organelle found in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. It is the power house of the cell; it is responsible for cellular respiration and production of (most) ATP in the cell.

Molluscum Virus MOA

VEO Probiotic Cleaner

VR Heart Journey
Excerpts from the first release of our Virtual Heart Journey, developed for Oculus Rift and rendered in Unreal Engine. Participants navigate through the chambers and valves of a healthy heart in this immersive anatomical experience. Viewers can interact with the heart, identify major structures, and clip through to reveal inner anatomy with the VR gear's controllers. The next release will demonstrate a fully animated, beating heart.

Environment for Umakala movie project
I'm very excited to show you guys some interesting project - concept design for an upcoming movie, that I was working on past year.
It was under the NDA for a long time, but finally I'm allowed to show some images :)
All models here done in ZBrush. VRay used as render, everything comped in After Effects.
Special words of gratitude about Andrey Gritsuk who designed the houses-nests for this location, Alexey Kondakov - father of the broken moon that you can see over the horizon, and also my wife Elena Kashpersky. All the Floral elements and Ice models are her creations. You all guys helped me so much and did really amazing job!

Ebola Virus
- It is a special form of life?
- No, it's a special form of death.
Created while employed at Radius Digital Science

Raymond - Technosmart
Onur Senturk collaborates with Troublemakers on his new animated film which takes us on a journey inside of the human brain. Intertwined in chaotic and magical visuals, and guided through moving waves of electric and flickering neurons, Onur clearly conveys Raymond's signature- the world’s smartest fabrics.
Client. Raymond
Agency. Famous
Production Company. Troublemakers.tv
Director. Onur Senturk
Producer. James Hagger
Production Assistant. Felipe Bernard
3D Cloth Simulation. Clovis Gay
Lighting & Renders. Riccardo Cecchinato
Lighting & Renders. Maxim Goudin
Modeling & 3D Animation. Onur Senturk
Modeling & 3D Animation. Omer Kasimoglu
Modeling & 3D Animation. Alexey Kashpersky
Nuke Compositer. Olivier Lukaszczyk
Nuke Compositer. Alexandre Ribeiro
Music & Sound Design. Jochen Mader - Audionerve
Local Production. Ransom Film
Producer. Suhana Sharma

Antioxidants are molecules that act as electron donors. Our bodies produce antioxidants and extract them from food to deactivate potentially damaging free radicals, leading to reduced oxidative stress and injury to cells.
Our animation immerses the viewer in a field of two specific antioxidants–– nitric oxide and ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) molecules –– before entering the inner atomic universe of a Vitamin C molecule.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Many days I tried to find a composition solution, playing with the model. All attempts were not interesting and I decided to go with the other side. I decided that it is necessary to try to express the nature of the HIV not only in colour or render, but also in the form. I started drawing, began searching the spirit of HIV on the paper.
After I found the shape on the paper I have made it in Z-Brush.
All small elements exept the "body" was taken from the HIV Model generated with CellPACK.

Leptospira Bacteria
Created while employed at Radius Digital Science. An attempt to go away from joy and avatar'ish environments and create the sick-looking concept with dramatic lighting.

Watercolor space series (2006)
Watercolor space series that I drew back in 2006

Vessels and Locations for Umakala movie project
Materials that were done for an upcoming Umakala movie project.
- Andrey Gritsuk (Vessel Modeling)
- Alexey Kondakov (MattePainting, Compositing)
- Alexey Kashpersky (Art Direction, Compositing)

Moss Stick Insect
Just finished my personal project which was inspired by countless forests visits and nature exploring.
As always, this renders based on real existing things that were learned by me closely, such as ground moss and moss stick mimic insect with adding my own vision and some magic to final visuals.
Again and again I am convinced that there is nothing more perfect the nature that surrounds us.

Bone Cross Section
Created while employed at Radius Digital Science

I want to show you my new artwork "Dream..."
It was created long enough, or rather 10 months. A big break for the successful delivery of the diplom work in the university)) and many interruptions, but nevertheless it is (they)) permanently lived inside my head ... shaped)

Atlantis Herald
Genesis 8
6. At the end of forty days Noah opened the window of the ark that he had made
7. and sent forth a raven. It went to and fro until the waters were dried up from the earth.
8. Then he sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters had subsided from the face of the ground.
9. But the dove found no place to set her foot, and she returned to him to the ark, for the waters were still on the face of the whole earth. So he put out his hand
and took her and brought her into the ark with him.
10. He waited another seven days, and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark.
11. And the dove came back to him in the evening, and behold, in her mouth was a freshly plucked olive leaf. So Noah knew that the waters had subsided from the earth...

On the precipice of universe (2007)
One of my first artworks

Neural Pathways (Stills from movie)
Neural Pathways: Movie
Creative Studio: DARKMATTER™
Created & Directed by: Jose Ortiz
Executive Producer: David Kleinman
Producer: Sheima Hassanlou
Line Producer: Richard Martin
Art Director: Eseraele Alemu
2D Artists: Akemi Abe, Ken Pelletier
3D Artists: Billy Koak, Elias Glasch & Alexey Kashpersky

Underwater Creature
Some creature that live deep in the ocean

Toe 3D Model
Created while employed at Radius Digital Science

Human Cadaver 3D model
I was allowed to show partly that incredible work that I was occupied by three months in a row, with Thomas Direct Studios.

Liver Hepatocyte
Hepatic cross section created while employed at Radius Digital Science. Responsible for modeling and collaborated on materials, scene setup and composition. Received concept drawing and guidance from team on anatomical structures.

Red Blood Cells
Created while employed at Radius Digital Science

Human Embryo
Human Embryo, week 4. ZBrush + Keyshot.
Created while employed at Radius Digital Science

EagleRock (oil) 2015
Oil painting "Eagle Rock"

The Guards
Old work from the contest “Extreme Race” / 2008

T-Shirt Design
Now you can order any of my artworks printed on clothes following this link https://paom.com/collections/alexeykashpersky/

Sculptures of the zodiac signs (drawings by Hevelius).

Sculpture sketch 001
Have not touched the clay for 5 years. Finally bought the sculpture devices today! YAY! )))
It's so great to feel the shape under your fingers instead of 3D sculpting!

The Snailmaker
Sculpture Author - David Goode

Deadly light
Artwork from far 2008
On that planet force of gravity was much weaker Terrestrial …
Arrived there and without that fragile and unadapted, became even weaker and is more fragile, because all around was ideal…
They luxuriated under tender beams of a star, and slept in ruins of ancient temples, not being set by questions…
On that planet day last centuries, the killing darkness did not come yet and has not swept away all alive, what through some hundreds years again to meet new people, tired from city vanity…
On that planet light turned to darkness so promptly, as well as darkness to the light and who had not time to be covered - perished…

Charmander 3D Print
Charmander Sculpture from the original Pokemon series.
- Modeled with LOVE
- 3D printed in Gold Steel
- 6 cm height (2.3 inch)
- Hand-sanded

Scull sketch
Scull sketch. ZBrush render + AE post

Drug concept
Created while employed at Radius Digital Science

Models for Radius Digital animation projects
Created while employed at Radius Digital Science

Models for Radius Digital animation projects
Created while employed at Radius Digital Science

Golconda Uranium (2012)
Bionic spaceship "Golconda Uranium"

Cell Nucleus
Created while employed at Radius Digital Science

Another test of ZBrush r7 + Keyshot
Created while employed at Radius Digital Science

Drug concept for Radius Digital
Created while employed at Radius Digital Science

Cancer Cell
Cancer Cell

Brain Neurons
Created while employed at Radius Digital Science

Human Heart 3d Model
Человеческое сердце для Thomas Direct Studios

Gorilla Skull 3D model
Project by Brandon Pletsch, that I was involved in and worked on detailing the Gorillas scull. 3D prints done in Radius Digital Science. Created while employed at Radius Digital Science

Tumor Dome
Created while employed at Radius Digital Science

Cancer Cell (Раковая Клетка)
Cancer Cell for Thomas Direct Studios

Human Cadaver Leg (thigh) 3d Model
Очередная работа из цикла анатомических изысканий. Бедренная часть ноги.
Created while employed at Radius Digital Science

Sketches for Fantastic Voyage exhibition
Наброски для экспозиции "Fantastic Voyage" (20th Century Fox).
На данном фрагменте - сердце.
Created while employed at Radius Digital Science

Cancer Cell Surface
Created while employed at Radius Digital Science

Human Liver 3D model
Created while employed at Radius Digital Science

Stent in Leg Model
Created while employed at Radius Digital Science

Statue Of Liberty 3d Model
This model of the high detailed Statue of Liberty is made by Alexey Kashpersky and Yurij Sitov.

Old 3D Models
Old works and models

Models for TV clip / Marta
Принимал участие в создании вот этого клипа, в качестве моделера и текстурщика.

Lion & Boy
Sculpture of a lion - an attempt to make a copy of Jose Ismael Fernandez sculpture.
Link to original http://www.joseismael.com/html/gallery-detail-10.html

Design of the printed art-book 'ARQUTE DIGITAL 1'
ARQUTE DIGITAL 1 is a collection of the
best examples of digital art.
The brightest characters, exotic animals,
fantastic landscapes, space adventures, and
other kinds of amazing images have embellished
the glossy pages of ARQUTE DIGITAL 1. The
vivid illustrations allow studying the techniques
applied in the works of the masters who have
won recognition worldwide, as well as feeling
their inspiration and getting aesthetic enjoyment
from the viewing.
It will be of interest not only to professionals,
but it will also become a wonderful gift to every
connoisseur of art.

Design for ARQUTE LLC
Web design for ARQUTE network

RoboDolphin (Feb 2001)
Digging in my old archives I have found my first attempt to create animation movie in 3D Max. It was far 2000-2001, I was 15 years old and it was the time when may be 1% of all people heard something about 3D graphics in Ukraine :)