Want to say thank you to my co-worker Trisha for help with preparation of the artwork and all paperwork for the show. I would break my head trying to follow all those rules and instructions for the submission of work for the exhibition.

Everyone here knows how much I hate any kind of forms/papers/calculations… If you did not know before, now you DO 🙂 All this just creates the grey noise in my head, but it’s another story for another post :))

Talking about the rules… I think TOO much of directions there. The situation where papers and rules are working for growing another papers and misunderstandings. IMHO.

Another thing – not much understandable why there is a hard restriction about the size of the prints when in final there is huuge unused space on the salon booth, even if they place 2 pieces on one board. I would just give the green light to the artist to choose the format of the picture by himself, based on the proposed size of the stand area so an artwork will not look like lonely warrior in the desert 
Imagine how much better this space can be used if I were allowed to print different renders separately and in a bigger size. Nonetheless the artwork was spotted and highlighted by the AMI members and organizers, which is great. Thank you a lot for that!
And of course big thanks and hugs to all my friends who made photos of my piece and sent them to me! Thank you all guys! :))) Unfortunately I was not able to come to the AMI conference this year, but hope to see you all on ZBrushSummit soon!
I don’t know the authors of the photos below. Hope that’s ok if I will post them here too.


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